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This instruction is for leaders only. Members should follow this link to register with the projects of their choice.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” _builder_version=”4.24.2″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” global_colors_info=”{}”][learn_more caption=”Step 1. Create an SBC account (skip this step if you already have an SBC account)”]
Go to https://socialbusinesscreation.com and click on “Sign up” then follow the instructions on your screen.
If this is the first time you use the site, you need to click on the box to confirm that you are human.
Click on “Create Account” and follow the instructions.
You will first become a “pending member”. After SBC admin verifies that you are a real human, your account will be changed to “regular member”.
The minimum we ask is that you upload your close-up photo and fill in the bio sections. Without these sections, we cannot perform the verification.
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Click on “Sign in” to enter the SBC community site then click on “Create group”.
Follow the instructions on the screen.. Make sure to choose the option “Proposal to competition 2024” and update your project photo/logo and cover photo. You can invite SBC members to join your project. You can skip this step if you do not have team members.
Your group status will be “hidden” initially and then public once SBC verifies that your information is complete. When it is public, people can view what you post, contact you, and request to join your project. You can also invite people who are not officially part of another competing project in the 2024 edition to join your group.
[/learn_more][/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.24.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][learn_more caption=”Step 3. Edit your group information and invite members”]
You can edit your group information at any time.
Go to your name on the right corner of the page and then click on “Workspace,” then click on the “Groups” tab. You will see the list of all groups that you have joined. Go to the group for which you are the leader, then click on the three dots “…” to see the tabs “Send invites” and “Manage.”
Follow the onscreen instructions after you click on the “Manage” tab.
[/learn_more][/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.24.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][learn_more caption=”Step 4. Submit proposal”]
Go to your name on the right corner of the page and then click on “Pages,” then click on “Add New”.
You should first describe the problem you want to address. Make sure your description includes a brief statement about “what the problem is”, “where the problem is located”, “who is affected by the problem”, “how serious the problem is”, and “how urgent /when does the problem call for action”. Then, you briefly describe your idea about how you want to solve the problem and how your solution contributes to the United Nations’ sustainable goals. The total proposal should be about 500-1000 words, including all references.
- Social problems can be defined as a social condition or pattern of behavior that has negative consequences for individuals, our social world, or our physical world.
- Environmental problems can be defined as the negative effects of any human activity on the environment.
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If your application is complete and your team is officially registered with the competition, you will receive an acceptance letter with instructions to become an official participant of the competition. Your status will change from “General member” to “Lab leader”.
Important notes
1. Your application will be considered only when complete information is provided, and your close-up photo is in the profile of your SBC account.
2. Your team’s project proposal must indicate a clear social purpose.
3. Project leader(s) must make sure that at least one member of the team is a university student at the beginning of the competition. Your team members may graduate before the end of the competition.
4. At least one member of the team must pass the training of each round before the regional presentation. All projects among the top 30% of their respective region will receive one-on-one coaching with an investor from the SBC global office. The leader(s) must inform SBC as soon as possible which members of the team will follow the SBC training courses. These members must be registered (i.e., having an account in the SBC community site, being a member of an officially competing lab, and paying the administration fee) before receiving credentials to access the courses.
5. After each round, projects that do not meet the minimum requirements in the regional evaluation will be eliminated. The members of these eliminated projects can join another project upon receiving the approval of the leader(s) of the new project. The new project may be based in your country or another. There is no extra cost for these people. SBC does not eliminate any participants throughout the competition edition.
6. To become an official member of the E2024 competition and receive SBC certificates and prizes, you must pay the administration fee of CAD200, which is non-refundable and one-time for the whole competition, regardless of the number of rounds you participate in. The payment instructions are included in the acceptance letter.
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